I got ill.
Really ill and after being stuck in bed for most of this week I can say that I am well and truly fed up!
It’s amazing how once you get into a proper routine, it’s hard to just sit and not do anything. I know that this rest will be good for me, give me a chance to get my strength back, so that I’m ready to go once I go back to work next week, but right now, sitting around doing nothing has given me the winter blues.
With all the time I had on my hands this week, I have begun to look back over the past 10 weeks and see how the work I has assisted with has developed. Over on the brands Instagram pages, it’s exciting to see images from the photos shoots that I assisted on get posted along with the garments I helped work on start to appear.
The first shoot that I got to help on was the location ‘girl gang’ shoot. This was where all the current styles were photographed together in an everyday ‘girl gang’ setting. In this case a restaurant, while having a meal and cocktails! (AoP Week 2)
The second shoot that has been released was shot in America and when looking closely at the photos, you can see the frayed shirt making an appearance. Yes, the one I frayed by hand! (AoP Week 7) It’s great knowing that something I played a big part in making has been photographed and will soon to developed before putting on sale to the public!
Finally the other now publicised work is the giant shirt (AoP Week 2). I had played a part in the creation process for this piece that had been on display in the Paris showroom during fashion week. It was one of the original design, blown up in proportion to creating a massive center piece! I sadly wasn’t allowed to take any photos of the finished piece at the time, but since then it has been posted onto Instagram for me to be able to share.
Overall, being able to look back and have this record of the designs and work that I helped with is really rewarding. It’s good to see how I am assisting the brand and having an input on the processes of the company. Not only that but I can really see how both my skills and confidence have begun to develop.
Seeing all this work has been a push to get my health back up and to continue with my internship journey.
(All images and media property of Absence of Paper)