Premier Vision is one of the biggest global fabric trade shows, a huge landmark in the fashion calendar, both for designers and fabric manufactures. With the show fast approaching, this week was dedicated to the shows preparation. The company are regulars at Premier Vision showing at both of the two shows each year. This year they have been fortunate to showcase some of their hand-picked fabrics on the market place; presenting fabrics for SS20 trends alongside with getting to exhibit a selection of their products, both of these boards showing at the entrance of the show.
I got to help in gathering the fabrics for the boards, making sure that each one was cut to size and labelled correctly. Although I only played a small part in this preparation, it was good to know that the work I had put into making the samples perfect would be appreciated and that they were going on to be displayed to a global market.
The other main part of the show prep that I got involved with was making the hanging samples. These were made for displaying the core collections, including the plains, fluids and woven. My job was to take the cut fabrics and overlock the edges, before adding the colour samples to the top and mounting them onto the hangers. It was a great opportunity to have a feel of a range of fabrics and compare the different feels of them. The colours they offered in some of the fabrics were so eye catching and brilliant, that my mind was soon running wild with the opportunities that the fabrics held.
This coming week, half the team will be in Paris busy selling fabrics at Premier Vision, meanwhile, the sample orders will begin to come in and we’ll be busy sending them out globally. Both what customers have requested and other options of fabrics that we think could be suitable for their needs.
Time to roll my sleeves up and get even more stuck in!