What an eventful couple of months...
There has been so many ups and downs that even I don’t completely know what’s been going on! So let’s go back to the start, when my internship ended and work from there.
For a few days after I finished work I hit a bit of a low. I had been enjoying the routine of work and loving learning so much; so when I went from that to nothing, I didn’t know what to do with myself. After a couple of days, I pulled myself together and before I began to send off new job applications, I decided that my portfolio needed a bit of TLC. Having learnt so much over the past 3 months, I felt that my portfolio didn’t show me off as well as it could do. This is mind, I went through it, project by project, to see what I could improve. I decided to rearrange a lot of the work on the pages, creating better layouts and clearer images. Alongside that I adapted some of my technical drawings, before creating a whole new double page for work done at my placement (Portfolio Makeover). It was time consuming process, but I knew it would be worth it. The following week when I was finally happy with my work, the hunt for an internship began.
The first stop was an email to Rome. I had previously applied to go to a theatre in Rome and decided to apply again, this time through a direct email. I was over the moon when I got a response, something I wasn’t expecting so soon! Around the same time as that, I also applied for a placement at Amanda Kelly and again quickly got a response accepting me for a 4 weeks placement. Finally things were beginning to fall into place; or so I thought.
As I began to arrange the finer details of Rome, the replies for shorter and harder to get. When the paperwork finally got completed, it was a relief, only to find out they hadn’t been signed. That brings us to 17th January. A month since the paper work had been sent back unsigned, a week until I was supposed to fly out and no reply! The worries and anxiety began to hit. I had heard nothing, there were no plans made, no details confirmed and no signature. I tried one final push and on Sunday finally receive the needed signature, but nothing else! My emails about the details hadn’t even been acknowledged. This playing in my head and feeling more anxious about the whole trip than ever, I came to the decision to call the whole thing off.
With Rome no longer going ahead, I had only a week to find another placement! I got straight on Fashion Workie and began to applying for everything I could find! I hit the jackpot after I got a response from Henry Bertrand asking for an interview straight away.
The following day and my new placement was confirmed! 9 weeks working as a fabric sample assistant, starting this coming Monday! I’m relieved, overwhelmed and excited to start!
Getting to this point has been an exhausting journey. I got my hopes up, before they came crashing down, I felt anxious before finally excited! But I got here in the end, two placements lined up, two other placement offers since (which I had to sadly turn down!) and another interview lined up for a summer position!
2019 is finally looking up!